Thursday, April 19, 2012

gluttony polished up a bit!

adjusted the shading on this dude and will be adding a background (hopefully tomorrow) feedback is greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


hey guys! new post. NEW. anyways, doing the 7 sins as monsters. or monster like. this fine fellow is gluttony. im going to add crumbs/chewed food spewing from his mouth later. first, i need to tweak his nipples. heh...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

schoolism course = done!

hello world! i finished my schoolism course and i must say it feels very strange. i feel like i just started taking the class. i am really considering taking it again when i have the time and money so i can learn all of the little things that went over my head the first time. anyways, here is my final as well as a drawing i did after i finished. the other drawing really shows just how much my brain broke during the completion of my final ha ha!